How Dhronn is Useful?

The parameters on which we focus to help retailer's Grow their Business with Artificial Intelligence

InStore Analytics

Customer Clustering

An analysis is done all customers and are clustered on the basis of various features and valuable informations such as retention rate, average per transaction buying, average money that a customer spends on their single transaction and many more. This helps in defining a customer.

InStore Analytics

Customer Analysis

These customer clusters are so accurate that it can help in realizing the buying preference of an individual customer. This helps the marketing team of retailer to accurately target relevant products to particular customers.

InStore Analytics

Product Analysis

Know what your product tells about themselves, just as how customer does! Our intelligent product analysis report helps in up-selling and cross-selling of the product, predicts when will be the maximum demand of that product and helps to find out relationship among the other products.

InStore Analystics

Sales Analysis

Our smart and intelligent sales prediction algorithm accurately predicts the upcoming revenues and sales that would be generated. This predictions can help for prestocking of goods, could maintain avaibility, storage and can help managing human resouce efficiently.

InStore Analytics

Price Optimization

Providing discounts and special offers are done by most of all retailers in order to attract their customers. But what if, by acquiring all sorts of knowledge we can know the optimum prices for each product with getting maximum profit!! Yes we at Dhronn, provide accurate pricing decisions.

InStore Analytics

Data Visualization

After finding all the relevant informations from the retail store it becomes mandatory to provide better graphs and other relavant information in a crisp & minimalistic format. This will help any retailer to track down to his store information easily. Just few clicks and all the meta informations are there!

Monitor Store Traffic

Monitoring Store Traffic

Knowing the paths where maximum customer visit or the paths that a customer repeatedly uses in his journey in side the store becomes crucial when it comes to knowing the best place for advertisements. Through CCTV footages we track down movements of customer and later find out their footprints which help in capturing street traffic.

Monitor Store Traffic

Detecting Mismovements

Real-time analysis of CCTV footages helps in detecting any malfunctionality caried out by a customer inside a store. This helps to prevent shop lifting cases and hence real time actions could be made against the accussed. Moreover, over crowding can be avoided and instant actions can be made.

Dwelling Heat Maps

Heat Maps

Customer dwelling heat maps are generated to visualize the movement of customers inside the store. The retailer can then be able to know which area of the store has maximum traffic and which area has the least amount of traffic. This would help to customize the layout of the store and hence can efficiently display advertisements according to the store traffic.

Layout Optimization

Store Layout Optimization

Placing right product at right location inside a store can increase sales of that product by 20%. Moreover, customer often take detours from the retail store being the reason product could not be found. So for increasing better customer experience, our insightful analysis can help retailer to better place his products and gain maximum profit without increases the input quantity.

Learning Customer Profile

Learning Buying Behaviour

Every customer is different from other but deeply analyzing customers it has been found that some similarities can be found among them. This similarities are often found by the types of product they buy, there meta informations such as age, spending and total visits. This helps the sales team to better optimize their inventory and hence dead stocks could be managed efficiently.

InStore Navigation

Customers can easily track down their products inside the store with the help of navigation system provided to them. They can also traverse all their bucket list products by following the optimal path. This makes very easy for customers to find and collect all their required product in optimum time. Increases customer interest towards the store and helps gaining the trust

Personalize Recommendations

Recommendation Engine

Recommendation engines plays a vital role in understanding customer’s behavior and hence a retailer can easily fulfill the exact requirements of the customer This leads in increase of product supply and hence creating a better customer relationship.